
Retirement plan providers, third-party administrators, and recordkeepers use Spark to offer innovative solutions to plan sponsors and participants. In today’s new dynamic era of lifetime income in retirement plans, the traditionally disparate worlds of investments and insurance can be bridged in seconds with Coherent Spark.

Meet Plan-Sponsor and Participant Needs Faster

Increase options for retirement plan sponsors and implement hyper-personalization for their participants. That level of customization is easier and faster than you ever thought possible. Turn retirement business vision into reality without the cost or roadmap that typically comes with transformative projects. That’s transformation without disruption.

Retirement plan providers, third-party administrators & recordkeepers use Spark for:

Accumulation/decumulation investment models and advice tools

Integration of lifetime income solutions into legacy systems without coding

Innovation in product pricing for lifetime income products with enhanced liquidity and portability

Investment portfolio Monte Carlo analysis and recommendations

Defined contribution pricing, compliance testing automation, and plan design solutions

Quick and easy mobile applications, dashboards, and calculator tools without big investments in time and budget

Spark retirement use cases (the list grows daily):

Drive a new product that nobody else could deliver (Excel to cloud service)

Compliance – test values to make sure they are within tolerances

Drive a lifetime income algorithm into a legacy system

Stream and accelerate new 401k pricing and sales

When things get really complex – use Spark to resolve coding difficulties with most sophisticated models

Customer experience calculations – provide output from 26+ variables

ERISA compliance testing – automate and streamline complex testing with dramatic operational savings


Investment only 401k

Combine data from a million policies to identify outliers and other issues or divergence from financial and regulatory guidelines

Compliance – a wealth of searchable historical data

Provide transaction details and underlying calculations in support of an investment recommendation (risk profile alignment).

Proactively report how retirement plans prioritize interests of the participant rather than the business having to respond to audit requests both from internal and external sources.

Book a demo today

You can convert your first spreadsheet now by booking a demo with one of our Spark experts.

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